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UPSC Preparation - Do's and Don'ts


Evaluate Facts vs Concepts: Analyze the recent UPSC prelims question papers to understand the evolving trend. Focus on conceptual understanding rather than rote learning, adapting your preparation to match the exam pattern.

Space Out Current Affairs Preparation: Begin your current affairs study early and revise regularly to avoid information overload. Allocate a few hours daily to stay updated. Similarly, dedicate time to map work consistently.

Practice Test Papers: Utilize test series booklets to assess your preparation level, time management skills, and identify common errors. Regardless of your readiness, attempting test papers is valuable.

Optimize Study Hours: Concentrate intensely on your studies or practice during the two crucial slots of 9 am-12 pm and 2 pm-5 pm in the weeks leading up to the exam. Train your brain to be most active during these hours.

Visit the Exam Venue Beforehand: Ensure familiarity with the exam venue by visiting it in advance. Understand transportation options and account for potential delays, especially if using cabs.

Arrive Early on Exam Day: Reach the venue 45 minutes to 1 hour before the scheduled time to avoid last-minute rush and anxiety. Punctuality positively impacts concentration.


Avoid Anxiety: Trust your preparation, stay calm, and take deep breaths to manage anxiety. Even if the paper seems challenging initially, approach it systematically, question by question.

Eliminate Doubts about Preparation: Once you commit to taking the exam, refrain from questioning your preparation. Focus on what you know and strategically attempt the paper.

Maintain Momentum: Concentrate and study as much as possible in the days leading up to the exam. Mental readiness is crucial during this period.

Fill OMR Sheet Timely: Don’t leave OMR sheet filling to the end. Allocate time every 45-50 minutes to ensure it’s completed. Avoid serial filling without checking question numbers.

Be Cautious with Attendance Sheet: Take care when filling out the attendance sheet during the exam. Even minor mistakes can cause unnecessary anxiety and loss of time.

Review All Questions and Options: Read all questions and options at least once before attempting. Some questions can be answered with careful consideration, even with minimal information.

Avoid Over-Attempting: There’s no fixed number of questions to attempt. Assess the paper’s difficulty and adjust your attempts accordingly. Quality matters more than quantity, so avoid feeling pressured to attempt an excessive number of questions.